Ashford FOod Bank

Ashford Food Bank

We’re here to help

Living Proof Church is committed to help those in need, no matter their background, income, origin, race or gender. Help is help. Our foodbank is here to help you keep food on the table in these challenging times.

Drive THru Food Bank

We are currently doing a Drive-Thru Food Bank monthly. We are asking everyone to stay in their cars and we will bring the food to you.

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Here are the income guidelines for receiving help.


Distribution is once a month on third Friday from 7:00-9:00am.

If you can't make it at this time, please call the Church office and leave a message. 


We offer emergency food packages for individuals and families in need.


Friday mornings from 7:00-9:00am

Jan 17th

Feb 21st

March 21st

April 18th

May 16th

June 20th

July 18th

August 15th

September 19th

October 17th

November 21st

December 19th


One in seven families in Connecticut can't afford sufficient groceries. Hunger is a real problem even in little towns like ours. We don't want to see anyone miss a meal, so with your help we have a food program that helps to provide food to those who are struggling through difficult times. We are presently helping 60-90 families providing groceries for between 3,600-5,400 meals every month. We generally provide a large box of food filled with non-perishables, frozen meat, bread and produce. If you are low income or in need of food, you can contact the church for food assistance. Food distribution is usually the 3rd Friday of the month from 7:00-9:00am, but please check our monthly schedule before coming. 

We are focused on helping Ashford families but also provide assistance to families in Eastford, Chaplin and Willington. If you live outside those towns please contact the 211 info line for a food pantry that can help you.

We help as many eligible people as we can and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.


Although we purchase most of our food through Foodshare we always need the community's help with donations of non-perishable food. When you see a great sale in the grocery store, remember those in need. You can drop off food donations at the church any time in the container at the east entry of our rear building. Your financial donation is also critically important to help us continue to meet this great need.

Please mail checks to:

Living Proof Church

P.O. Box 115

Ashford, CT 06278

Memo: Food Bank

You can also make a donation online at


We would like to thank all of you that have helped us by donating food, money and time. The need is great and your gifts will help many families that are struggling to keep food on the table.

You can also make a general donation to Living Proof Church using our online giving. These donations will be used to help programs such as our Food Bank. Click here to donate online. If you want your donation designated specifically toward the food bank simply email us  and let us know you made the donation and want it applied to the food bank.

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